Over the years, Storage Area Networking (SAN) has become a bit of an afterthought, with many areas of the business assuming that it is simply there, without having to worry about delving into the details. But as with the evolution of server virtualisation and Software Defined Storage (SDS), the concept of a traditional SAN is evolving too, with so many new variants and ways to store all critical data. Let us not forget that we are entering a highly virtualised and cloud-based industry, meaning that our storage solutions must not become the variable holding us back.

Thankfully, it isn’t, and today, Software Defined Storage (SDS) is becoming every bit as prevalent as a traditional SAN. However, with multiple ways of transporting SAN over data networks e.g. Fibre Channel Over Ethernet (FCOE) or Fibre Channel Over IP (FCIP), and over a virtualised environment using Virtual Host Bus Adaptors (vHBAs), the subject matter of how to store one’s data has now become a critical business factor for all organisations.

TCC understands this challenge, and has a strong understanding of where and when each type of storage solution should be considered. And following our standard philosophy, the subject of storage must be driven by an overarching business strategy to drive towards the right technology.

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